Sunday 27 March 2016

Buried treasure

Hey, look what I found in the compost! (I have a tiny, itsy-bitsy problem with secateur retention. Just a little one. There's probably four more pairs around the property somewhere. That's normal, right?)

If I left them for long enough do you think they'd grow into loppers?

Friday 18 March 2016

Wet Wet Wet

Rained-on chickens always look pretty miserable. Rained-on, moulting chickens? The very definition of pathetic-ness. (I don't think the girls are actually miserable. Chickeny life seems to continue as usual. But damn, do they look it!)

Sunday 6 March 2016

Unexpected dividends

Well the barley that grew from the straw I mulched the sweet corn with has produced - enough for a couple of pots of soup anyway! It doesn't appear to have competed overly much with the corn either - I'd call that a reasonably successful unplanned experiment!